Thursday, February 28, 2013

Weddings and the Single Girl (Not a Pity Post, I promise!)

Yesterday, I posted my recent Pinterest "for the home" favorites.  I mentioned that lately, I've been a pinning freak.  Anything and everything that strikes my fancy.  What I failed to mention was that my favorite board of all time is the one I've titled Saving For the Future.  If you've been around here for a while, you may have read my post about my thoughts on singleness.  If not, feel free to check it out here.  Despite the fact that I'm single and currently lacking prospects, that doesn't mean that I'm not emotionally, spiritually, and aesthetically (aesthetically, does that work??) preparing for my future wedding.  My Pinterest board is proof.  Well, at least in regard to the aesthetics.

The other day, while mindlessly searching around, I found a video that completely stopped me in my tracks.  This is probably my favorite pin of all time.  If you have a spare 4 minutes, check it out.  Take my word for it, it's totally worth it.

Good, right?  Talk about priorities!  This couple sought to honor Christ as the foundation of their relationship and wove such beautiful elements into their ceremony as a way to honor Him.  Wouldn't you just love to have been sitting in the audience for this?  I can't watch it without getting choked up in my pajamas at home.  I cannot even imagine what a blubbering mess I would have been if I were there.

Plus, how cute was it that the groomsmen and bridesmaids were barefoot for the ceremony.  I don't know if I could ever pull that off, but it sure worked for them!

Happy Thursday, friends!

1 comment:

  1. This totally made me start to choke up AT WORK! Oh my word - that is AMAZING! Love love LOVE - thank you for sharing. No worries, I'm preparing for my non-existant wedding on pinterest too - HA!
