Monday, February 25, 2013

Oysters & BB Guns (With Video)

My, oh my, what a weekend!  So much fun...

When a Saturday night unexpectedly ends like this, you know something has gone right.

I'm getting a bit ahead of myself, though.

On Friday, I got to see Warm Bodies with two of my favorite people.  I really had zero expectations going into the theater.  My sister saw it weeks ago and loved it, but we have totally different tastes in movies, so that opinion didn't hold much water.  I was so pleasantly surprised.  It was, hands down, one of the wittiest movies I've seen in a while.  Highly recommended!

On Saturday, my parents invited a few people over for an Oyster Roast. Growing up on the Gulf Coast, folks wait around all year for oyster season. My dad has always loved oysters, but my mom was never a fan, so I just didn't grow up eating them all the time. A few years ago at a Sunday School party, I tried my first oyster and was hooked. So, so good! I had literally been counting down the hours all last week until we got to Saturday. What was supposed to be a seafood dinner turned into an afternoon/evening oyster "graze." It was rainy and humid but perfect for a lazy day. Here are A LOT of images I snapped along the way. Get comfy...

Again, this was just our afternoon.  For dinner, we had fried oysters, fried shrimp, jambalaya, and sides.  I'm still drooling over it!

After a few interesting dinner conversations/Youtube videos, we decided to head back to the porch, bake a few more oysters, and, of course, practice target shooting with Coke cans. In the dark.


And, dessert...

Yes, that's a Fruity Pebbles "rice krispy" treat

I'll leave you with this gem. Enjoy! ;)

I'm so excited to be linking up with Leeann for the first time for Monday Morning Gossip!


  1. All those oysters, so good!!! I was scared of oysters for years until I got to college and discovered I LOVED them! Saltine cracker & a little tabasco.. yumyum! Looks like you had a great time!

    1. It was a blast! I actually tried them with tabasco for the first time this weekend. So good (especially when they're roasted in butter first)!

  2. I've tried oysters once or twice but I'm not sure I like them, maybe fried! I do love the fruity pebbles 'rice krispy' treats i make those often. looks like you had a great weekend!

    1. Fried oysters are so good, but my favorite is when they're baked in butter and cheese. Basically, any excuse to drench something in butter and cheese sounds pretty good to me. :)

  3. I can't wait til we get back down there! There is nothing on the planet better than fresh Apalachicola oysters! I'm jealous you already got a taste!!

    1. You've got two good oyster months left! Got to do it soon, girl!

  4. Mmmm oysters!! So jealous!! Looks like you had a fantastic weekend!!

  5. How fun!! I've never tried raw oysters but I love the cooked and deep fried! I'm jealous of all of the delish food you have down in your parts :)

    Sorry I'm so late on commenting. Thanks for linking up for Monday Morning Gossip!!

    1. You've got to try them raw sometime! I don't like them as much as I like them baked, but they're still pretty good. :) Have a great weekend!!

  6. oh yum! i love oysters!

    1. Me too! They were soo good!! Have a great weekend :)
