Tuesday, May 28, 2013

One Reason I Love Kids...(A Video)

I love my job.  Don't get me wrong, I am itching for summer like nobody's business.  But, really, I love my job.  Like, a lot.  I teach the 2nd grade and count myself extremely blessed.  I love kids.  I always have, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

There are many reasons I adore kiddos, but, when a friend posted this video on Facebook, I was reminded, once again, just how special they can be.  I'm sure you'll agree...

Oh, and watch to the end.  Otherwise, you're missing out.

I have 7 1/2 working days left to go before summer has officially arrived.  HUGE promises to pick the pace back up around here once things settle down.  I'm looking forward to a very relaxing break.


  1. aww!! Sweet babies! Loved his little accent and the ending was hilarious! I love kids too and the energy they share! I think you have the sweetest age to teach and know it must be such a rewarding career! Enjoy your last week with your kiddos:)

  2. Just passing through I was thinking about you. I need to follow you on IG, doing that now. I pray everything is well with you.

  3. Hi Suzanne! Happy I came across your blog! New follower here. I am also a FSU grad :) Hope you'll stop by and follow along with our south florida family.

    Go Noles,
