Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The POP #2!

It's that time again!  Last week, I had the opportunity to co-host The POP linkup with Ashley and Becca, and it was so great to hear from the other ladies who participated.  I read as you shared your hearts, opened up about struggles, shouted praises, and asked for prayer, and I truly cannot explain how full my heart has been over this past week.

Brimming over.

There is just something about connecting with other believers.  There's something that comes with the knowledge that others are praying for and with you.  I have been both convicted and encouraged, which is exactly what should happen when you share accountability with others.  I'm excited, y'all.  This is good stuff.

In case you missed it last week, here's a quick explanation of The POP:

This is a very open-ended linkup.  You can post ANYTHING related to your faith in Christ.  A few examples would include ways God is speaking to you, devotionals you're studying, your favorite scripture, prayer requests/praises, ways God is using you, etc.  Basically, this linkup is just a place for you to be encouraged and to receive encouragement in your walk with Christ.  

I hope you'll consider linking up!  The rules are simple:

1. Grab the linkup button and type up your post.

2. Link up your Blog URL on any of your hosts' blogs.

3. Visit as many blogs in the linkup as you can! This is about getting active and offering encouragement, prayers, and discussion to those who need it!

4. Tweet, Pin, share on Facebook, and help spread the word to make this linkup successful!

Before I start with my POP post today, I feel like I need to let you know that this isn't what I was planning to share.  In fact, I had planned a sweet little post about my thoughts on Easter and Christ's love for us and how my family celebrated on Sunday.  However, on the way to work this morning, God spoke other things into my heart, and I'm just going to roll with it.  

I like to listen to our local Christian radio station, WAY-FM, on my way to work in the mornings.  The morning show host is Wally, and I just love listening to him.  He keeps it very real.  Sometimes uncomfortably so.  He doesn't shy away from much, and he's very open about his opinions on topics.  Today, he (or maybe one of his co-hosts...can't remember) shared a statistic that really stuck with me.  I can't remember the percentages, but the point he was trying to make is that many people after turning 50, look back on their lives and have a lot of regrets.  Things they did and wished they hadn't done.  Things they hadn't done and wished they had.  Then, he asked the question that made me pause:

What do you think you'll look back and regret when you turn 50?

I really started to think about it.  Sure, I thought about a few superficial things.  I questioned whether I'd regret how I've cared for my body (weight, skin, etc.).  I wondered whether I'd regret my job.  You know, things like that.  

Then, I started to wonder whether I'd regret the things that really matter.  I firmly believe that we are put here on Earth to share Christ with others and to bring glory to God.  I've never felt that I was being called into full-time ministry.  I'm so very grateful and in awe of those who are.  What a special and scary calling to have in life.  But me?  I know that although I may not be called into full-time ministry, I've been given a unique opportunity within my community (city, job, family) to share Christ with those that are in my path.  

I have co-workers, extended family members, and friends that I am fully aware do not know Christ.  And I am partially responsible for their hearts.  That's so scary, and yet, on a day-to-day basis, it rarely crosses my mind.  I know that one day, I will stand before God, accountable for the life I lived during my time here on Earth.  And I know what I want to hear Him say:

As I sit here, thinking about my life right now, I cannot imagine those words leaving His mouth.  What have I done to further His kingdom?  What do I do on a daily basis to share Him with others and bring glory to Him?  

I can honestly say it's made me think.  It's something that I'm sure will continue to make me think, and I'm hoping it will force me to make some serious changes.  I needed to be pulled out of my comfort zone, and God knew just what I needed to hear.  

When I'm 50, and I look back at my life, I want to see a life that has sought to glorify God and draw others to Him.  

I know, a little deep for a Thursday morning, but it was on my heart, and I knew it was what I was being called to share.  I genuinely hope you'll join us for the linkup or will at least visit some of the blogs that do linkup below.  


  1. "Well done, you good and faithful servant..." is something I long to hear when I meet the Lord as well. This post was pretty powerful and just so you know, I feel the same! I hope that I turn 50 and look backs with no regrets and know that I did my best to glorify the Lord.

  2. Suzanne! Thank you SO much for sharing this. This really resonated with me. "As I sit here, thinking about my life right now, I cannot imagine those words leaving His mouth. What have I done to further His kingdom? What do I do on a daily basis to share Him with others and bring glory to Him? "

    I too especially have a lot of lost co-workers and its really easy to just write them off and be close with the co-workers that are my friends, and that do know Christ, because we are "like minded." But there are so many times I've missed opportunities to share the love of Christ, to display His light to those around me. Wow. Thanks for your honesty today.

    We are the light of the world, lets shine for Him today!

  3. Such a powerful post! (I listen to the same morning show, btw. I didn't go to work yesterday, so I missed it.) Like you, I don't feel called to full time ministry, but I do know that I should be sharing Jesus in my little corner of the world. I don't know what holds me back, maybe shyness? maybe laziness? maybe fear of rejection? I don't know. I do know I'm doing a good job at it. Thank you for bringing this up and for making me really look at my faith today.

  4. Not to deep at all, it was real and that's what we all need. This is something that has been on my heart for a few years. I am finally starting to listening to what God is calling me to do. I actually wrote my post about part of this as well. I am seeking to bring glory to God by sharing more of my life, at least that is how I am being called to do it right now. He is the reason for why I started my blog, I want to share him with the world...I am still figuring out the way to do that though. Wonderful post Suzanne.

  5. Ah, this is so good. I am loving reading everyone's posts for this link up. So powerful. First of all, I agree- I am so happy to be connecting to other believers, and second thank you for sharing what was on your heart, even though sometimes it's hard to face the reality of the matter I am glad to have read this strong reminder of the number one reason I am here on Earth. To serve God and share His love with others! Thank you
