Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Monogrammed Christmas

It is no secret to my friends and family that I'm completely obsessed with monograms.  Thankfully, they kept this in mind while Christmas shopping for me this year!  Here's a quick look:

I've been wanting a DSLR for several years now but didn't know where to get started.  Early in December, my brother purchased one of these for himself, and I was hooked.  It went straight to the top of my list, and I feel so blessed to have one of these bad boys.  Now...if I could just figure out how to use it...

Jacket, scarf, phone case, and fun!

These are itty bitty and so cute

And these...they're ginormous...  Seriously, huge and heavy, but they're great statement pieces.

I felt very blessed this Christmas.  Not because of the presents sitting under the tree but because I was surrounded by my amazing family.  I know so many who really struggled this year, including a friend whose newlywed husband passed away unexpectedly.  As 2013 approaches, it is a sobering reminder that we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  For each year that passes, we need to truly be grateful for the things we so often forget:  healthy families, a warm home, a job, food on the table, strong friendships.  I have no idea what 2013 holds for me and my loved ones, but I do know Who holds it all in His very capable hands.  I am thankful to have a Savior that has my best interest at heart, all the time.  We may not understand every decision He makes, but we can be sure that nothing that happens is by accident or goes unnoticed.  Glory be to God!

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